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Network (AS number) statistics

Route server peers: 23 Total number of customer ports: 23
Total connected: 23 IPv6 peers: 0
# Organization URL AS Profile Statistics
1 Airtel http://africa.airtel.com/wps/wcm/connect/Africa... 37140
2 Busy http://www.busyinternet.com 37103
3 Comsys http://www.comsysghana.com 37012
4 Ecoband http://www.ecoband.net 327814
5 Vodacom Ghana http://www.gatewaycomms.com 29674
6 GCNet http://www.gcnet.com.gh 37162
7 Glo http://www.gloworld.com/gh/ 37341
8 Internet Solutions http://www.is.com.gh/ 30988, 3741, 37350
9 K-NET http://www.knetgh.com 33786
10 MainOne http://www.mainone.net 37539
11 MTN http://www.mtn.com.gh 37255, 30986
12 NHIA http://www.nhis.gov.gh/nhia.aspx 37625
13 STL http://www.supertechghana.com 37087
14 Teledata ICT http://teledataict.com 35091
15 AirtelTigo http://www.tigo.com.gh 37030
16 Vodafone http://vodafone.com.gh 29614
17 Zipnet http://www.myzipnet.com 36961
18 China Telecom --- 4809
19 Dolphin http://www.dolphintelecom.net 37613
20 GARNET http://www.garnet.edu.gh 327992
21 Google http://www.google.com 15169
22 Surfline http://www.surflinegh.com 37623
23 Virtual Technologies http://www.vts.bf 37721


The Ghana Internet eXchange (GIX) is the facility which keeps Ghanaian Internet traffic in Ghana. GIX allows local Internet Service Providers and Network Operators to easily exchange traffic within Ghana, while improving connectivity and services for their customers.

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Send us a message and we would do our best to contact you for all your inquiries.

. PMB 208, Accra-North, Ghana
. info@gixa.org.gh --- support@gixa.org.gh

© 2025 GIXA - Ghana Internet eXchange Association.