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How to Connect


  • Membership of the GIX is free for GISPA members. Non-GISPA members are required to pay a joining fee.
  • Candidates for membership shall be a recognised legal entity
  • Candidates for membership shall have an ASN (Autonomous System Number) and use BGP4(+) for peerings
  • The Autonomous System which the candidate is presenting to GIX should be visible from the GIX transit router
  • The Candidates business shall include the Internet transmission of third party content or services
  • These prerequisites, together with the Technical Requirements, form the basis of ongoing requirements for GIX Members.

These prerequisites, together with the Technical Requirements, form the basis of ongoing requirements for GIX Members.


The Ghana Internet eXchange (GIX) is the facility which keeps Ghanaian Internet traffic in Ghana. GIX allows local Internet Service Providers and Network Operators to easily exchange traffic within Ghana, while improving connectivity and services for their customers.

stay connected

Send us a message and we would do our best to contact you for all your inquiries.

. PMB 208, Accra-North, Ghana
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© 2025 GIXA - Ghana Internet eXchange Association.